Real Estate & Architectural Photography

Real Estate photography is something I have never gotten the chance to attempt until now. It is tricky at first, so it takes practice. They key is using bracketing to get a well-exposed and balanced image.

Here is the front of the home. This image is bracketed and minor adjustments were made, such as white balance, brightness, contrast, etc. Even with bracketing, the sky was still very bright and somewhat washed out. In Photoshop, I replaced the sky using an image that had similar lighting to the overall piece.

I wanted to get an image of the sign leading to the house. For this image, I adjusted the white balance, turned down the yellow-greens, and added a slight vignette.

Here is the front door to the Airbnb side of the home. In post, I edited out some shoes and adjusted the perspective of the image.

This is the gorgeous backside of the home. This is also a bracketed image. I cleaned up some dust spots, straightened the perspective, and burned some overly bright highlights.

Here is a full frontal view of the home. Like all the others, this is a bracketed shot. Aside from routine adjustments, I made the sky more blue.

For this shot of the kitchen, I blended my bracketed shots together, removed a few light spots, and aligned the perspective.

Here is a view of the living room. Again, this shot was bracketed and aligned.

For this peak into the bathroom, I aligned the perspective and cloned out the pipes underneath the sink.

This is one of my favorite shots from the indoor segment of this photoshoot. I love the visual interest and different leading lines. To add a little bit more contrast, I added some slight dodging and burning.

This is one of my other favorite shots. I love the colors and overall composition. In post, I adjusted the perspective and cropping.

1 Comment

  1. enochjustice says:

    Hey Katie!
    Loved looking through your photos! I couldn’t decided with was my favorite! I think you had a great idea to incorporate the sign at of the “riverfront retreat”. I think its super important to show what you can look for to tell you in the right place in real estate photography. Great job!


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